The 5th anniversary of the Citizens United decision is a call to action.

On January 21st I will be at Lafayette Park in Washington DC across the street from the US Chamber of Commerce. Many people representing many American walks of life will be there, and together we hope to bring LIGHT to the issue of DARK money.

I am a spark in the dark

We live in a time when a powerful few, using money as speech and hiding behind corporations as people, are influencing our elected and our judiciary to support a financial agenda in pursuit of unlimited wealth. They leave a wake of social and economic injustice that, with our without intent, cripples our nation as it tears her People apart, and threatens our very existence with indifference to consequences of their actions.

Standing up for The People is a job from which we cannot be laid-off or fired. It is, however, a job we can quit. I will never quit. The fate of this republic’s democracy is in my hands as it is in yours. If you have quit, tear up your resignation. If you have not quit, take heart. WE see the truth hidden by the smoke and mirrors of mindless media and disguised by overly clever use of the language of the law. WE are the spark that will light the fire that will create “liberty and justice for ALL”.

BE a spark in the dark

 The Chamber of Commerce is the country’s leader in dark money politics, having laundered over $31Million in the recent mid term elections to support candidates that become beholden to the wealth builder agenda. We need to let them know the time for dark money is over. Join us in Washington, DC. Or, join us by making a statement in your community. Be a spark in the dark.

BIG Government Hates the Vote – So VOTE

If this republic’s democracy is a team sport, what is “the game” if it is to be won by disqualifying the players?

I’m afraid it has become more like a fairy tale. The wolf in sheep’s clothing, voter suppression costumed as anti-voter fraud, is the best example of the worst a Big Bad Gov has to offer: wasting tax payers’ money to fix something that isn’t  broken.

Here’s an idea: vote out the micro-managers (the trolls under the bridge). It’s like firing a bad boss!

VOTE. Vote with a buddy or in a group. Vote early. Use your phone to photo or video anyone who tries to stop you. Ask for names on camera. Call 866-OUR-VOTE for immediate help with state-specific details. (Be prepared by going to now.)

Heck, yell to the crowd if you have to, “Can anyone help me vote?” and see if some hero comes to the rescue! If you hear someone yell out, at least yell back, “LET HER VOTE!”. (Let’s get this back to a team sport.) Don’t leave without voting, even if it is a provisional ballot. VOTE.

Do you think I’m crying wolf? I’m afraid this creepy story is just beginning.

America Run Like A Business: No Debt Ceiling “Emergency”

Attention, people who want America to be run like a business! Do not believe the fiction about to spew forth about the contrived debt ceiling “emergency”.

This retired business owner knows a few things about running a successful enterprise. If America were my business, hunkering-down (austerity) would not be my go-to solution.

The first thing I would do is end discounts I could not afford: think tax cuts (discounts), tax loopholes (discounts), and subsidies (discounts + refunds + incentives that can exceed the cost of the product)!

The second thing I would do is realistically price my product (reevaluate taxes). After a decade of unfunded war, should we add a war tax?  And the Medicare D non-compete giveaway: should we add tax to cover it or reconsider that decision? There are many pricing issues to discuss, but those two alone amount to $Billions per year.

While cost savings are always appropriate, cutting back on the American product line before doing the first two steps is just bad business. Why discount and underprice America out of existence? This is a revenue crisis, not a debt crisis.

My recommendation to Congress: the market (taxpayers)  having received the greatest value from discounts etc. in the last 10 years is well positioned to absorb a cost increase. End the dysfunctional discounting practices immediately. Recognize the national debt as predominantly unfunded war debt and plan for repayment accordingly.

Preserve the product line: the American way of life.